Supported Functionality
Below are examples of encoding and decoding case classes using the map data source.
Each implementation of a data source may provide differing implementations of encode
and decode
methods. However all must implement the most basic methods for decoding and encoding:
Decode which takes a type parameter of the expected type to be decoded, an optional namespace argument and the data source, returning the validated type.
Encode which takes an optional namespace argument and the value to be encoded, returning the value encoded as the data type.
In this section the default return type of Validation
which is a type alias for the cats ValidatedNel
applicative functor. See the section on decoding and encoding for information of how to specify different monads.
Primitive Types
Provided there is a Decoder
instance for the type you wish to decode, or an Encoder
instance you wish to encode compilation will work. It is possible to extend existing data sources if you wish to add support for more types.
The following primitive types are provided by the PrimitiveDecoders
and PrimitiveEncoders
- Char
- String
- Int
- Long
- Double
- Float
- Short
- Byte
- Boolean
- Duration
- Finite Duration
The following code shows how an integer value may be decoded and encoded from the map data source.
decode[Int](List("some", "int"), Map("" -> "23"))
encode[Int](List("some", "int"), 23)
Simple Case Class
When encoding or decoding a case class the name of the case class is automatically included in the namespace, so there is not always a need to provide one:
case class Example(defaultedString: String = "default", configuredString: String, optionalString: Option[String])
// Fails to decode
decode[Example](Map.empty[String, String])
// Decodes with empty option
decode[Example](Map("example.configuredstring" -> "configured"))
// Decodes with provided option
decode[Example](Map("example.configuredstring" -> "configured", "example.optionalsting" -> "optional"))
// Decodes with a namespace
decode[Example](List("name", "space"), Map("" -> "configured"))
// Encodes case class to Map
encode[Example](Example(configuredString = "configured", optionalString = None))
// Encodes case class to Map with namespace
encode[Example](List("name", "space"), Example(configuredString = "configured", optionalString = None))
Nested Case Classes
Case classes may be nested within on another. The key in the data must contain the complete path to the final primitive value:
case class NestedTwo(value: String)
case class NestedOne(value: String, nested: NestedTwo)
case class Example(a: NestedOne, b: NestedTwo, c: Int)
val config = Map(
"example.a.nestedone.value" -> "nested-one",
"example.a.nestedone.nested.nestedtwo.value" -> "nested-one-nested-two",
"example.b.nestedtwo.value" -> "nested-two",
"example.c" -> "23"
Sealed Type Families
Extruder also supports resolution of sealed type members. In order to pick the implementation of the specified trait to decode a type
value must be provided:
sealed trait Sealed
case object ExampleObj extends Sealed
case class ExampleCC(a: Int) extends Sealed
decode[Sealed](Map("type" -> "ExampleObj"))
decode[Sealed](Map("type" -> "ExampleObj", "examplecc.a" -> "1"))
// Sealed families may also be nested
case class Example(a: Sealed)
decode[Example](Map("example.a.type" -> "ExampleObj"))
decode[Example](Map("example.a.type" -> "ExampleObj", "example.a.examplecc.a" -> "1"))
Changing Key Format
As implied in the above examples the configuration keys are dot (.
) separated and all lowercase. This is configurable by creating a new instance of Settings
for the configuration source and passing it to the decode or table representation methods.
import extruder.core.Settings
val settings: Settings = new Settings {
override def pathToString(path: List[String]): String = path.mkString("_").toUpperCase
case class Example(defaultedString: String = "default", configuredString: String, optionalString: Option[String])
Changing the pathToString
implementation will change the expected configuration keys:
| Key | Required | Type | Default | Permitted Values |
| EXAMPLE_DEFAULTEDSTRING | N | String | default | |
The Utils code shows what else may be overridden.
Unsupported Functionality
Cyclical references
import extruder.system.systemproperties._
case class Example(e: Example)
decode[Example] // won't compile
case class NestedOne(n: NestedTwo)
case class NestedTwo(n: NestedOne)
decode[NestedOne] // won't compile